History of EV360

Take a journey down memory lane regarding the history of EV360.
We hope you enjoy our story.

  • Late 2008

    By November, the development team creates a PC-installed software program named the “Court Reporting Instructor” (CRI) for faculty and staff. This software is not a web-based tool, and it is not part of any learning system. The CRI document compare logic is written from scratch and consists of a unique approach by comparing word groups in the student’s text file against word groups in the master text file and then providing the instructor a preliminary graded result.

  • Late 2009

    • In September, EV360 team begins developing a whole new approach to software-based speedbuilding and testing. The 1-minute approach to building speed, self-evaluation, and Success As you Progress (SAP) testing.
    • This unique approach requires the team to create software that would permit students to build custom speedbuilding classes, self-evaluation transcriptions, and provide access to SAP tests.
  • Late 2009 Cont.

    EV360’s development team begins converting parts of the CRI into HTML web pages that could be displayed in a Moodle open source LMS. The HTML pages are presented using a core Moodle activity resource, giving the appearance that the CRI is actually part of the LMS. The first set of HTML pages consists of a user driven application for testing and a unique application that is able to create a structured speedbuilding dictation class following a structured lesson plan. The EV360 brand stands for 360 degrees of evaluation, following a philosophy of always involving qualified faculty to use advanced technologies in order to interact with students in an online learning environment.

  • 2010 - 2013

    From October 2010 through 2013, the CRI HTML IFrame pages are visible through the Moodle LMS, but they were not integrated into the Moodle core as activity modules or plug-ins. The CRI IFrame pages do not adapt to facilitate the users’ access to educational content; they are completely user-driven and are not driven from a web-based navigation engine.

  • Late 2013

    In August, for a variety of technical reasons related to browser and Java incompatibilities, the development team ceases developing the web CRI HTML IFrame pages. Instead, they begin developing from scratch a completely new installable suite of software programs called the EV360 Ultimate Suite.

  • Mid 2014

    Beta testing of the Ultimate Suite of software programs begins in June of 2014 and goes live in October of 2014.

  • Late 2015 to 2019

    EV360 Ultimate evolves into a full-blown suite of individual software programs allowing individual users, court reporting programs, and corporate training programs to develop skills to advance in speed to pass tests, develop skills to advance in realtime accuracy, evaluate and test transcription and realtime skills, and more. The amount of content and approaches to develop skills is almost endless.

  • Mid 2019

    EV360 Educational Solutions announces the availability of resources to help colleges, schools, programs, firms, and individuals further their vision by expanding market reach, supporting students and faculty, and providing exceptional learning platforms, resources, and experiences.

  • Late 2019

    EV360 Educational Solutions launched a new update to its EV360 Ultimate Suite of software programs that permits a Stenograph model (Protege or newer) writer to connect directly to My Speedbuilding, My Readback, My Evaluations, and My Tests resulting in a proprietary Enhanced Vertical Notes (EVN) displaying steno directly in the software.  The EVN is one of the first speedbuilding software programs for court reporting skill development to develop skills the old fashioned way when students developed their speeds without focussing on realtime.

  • Mid 2024

    EV360 Educational Solutions launched a new programs, Create 360 and Level Up 360 to its EV360 Ultimate Suite of software programs.

    In the rapidly advancing digital world, staying ahead of the competition is crucial for professionals in all industries. When it comes to court reporting, the need for custom speed building resources can make all the difference in being a successful student and working professional.

    To address this need, EV360 Educational Solutions became the first user driven platform to market that utilizes the latest technologies to create new court reporting speed building practice resources, converting them into audio files using text-to-speech technologies.

    Create 360 is a cutting-edge software program designed to address the shortcomings of existing court reporting speed building practice resources.

    By leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, it offers a dynamic and personalized learning experience. Create 360 generates new practice materials based on the user’s input and converts them into high-quality audio files ranging in speeds from 80 wpm to 300 wpm and beyond.